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发表于 2010-10-15 11:10:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
收藏界有一句老话:乱世寻黄金,太平兴古玩。书画作品频频敲响艺术市场的重锤,拉开艺术市场井喷的序幕 。经济学家预测,随着管理者对经济规律的认识和市场行为的调控,全球性经济波动的周期正在逐步拉长,世界经 济尤其是我国经济的高速增长还会持续七八十年。书画艺术品将会象房产、证券、保险等新兴投资品一样更贴进普 通国人的生活,不仅表现在商品价值,同时也是一份对文化的关注与重视。试想一位老者客厅挂一幅张朋的得寿图 ,一位篆刻家书房挂一幅朱复戡高古的金文书法,那仿佛是在与创作者进行一种心理沟通,的确是可品、可读、可 赏、可藏,让房间蓬荜生辉,让来访者肃然起敬!
    由于传承自血脉中的国学修养, 因为家学的渊源,使我对书画艺术都有一种特别的情感。但是纯理科的学习经 历缺少艺术素养和训练,这一点非常佩服弃理从文并成就突出的刘承闿先生和刘彦胡先生。无奈中闲暇之余对书画 市场和收藏投入颇多精力,有在春秋两季大拍中频频竞价的执着,有在自由市场捡漏的欣喜,有在周凤羽艺术馆亲 历亲为组织拍卖的感悟,有在各种书画博览会、笔会留连的痴迷,也有被某网络书法超市屏蔽的尴尬,更多的还是 徜徉在主流市场—— 画廊市场的些许快慰和满足。近年艺术基金、书画典当、艺术顾问等艺术衍生行业的诞生及 国民素质的整体提高,使书画市场迎来唐宋之后又一个较长的繁荣期,但书画艺术作为一种文化现象,不同于之前 较为成熟的奢侈品,也不同于金融产品,书画市场作为这种文化现象的某种延伸,当下交易的通常形式还是拍卖会 、笔会、向艺术家定制、业内交流、画虫子串货以及附属互联网的电子商务等,交易主体各自为战,各人有各人的 路子,三年不开张,开张吃三年成为一种潜规则。这也从另一个侧面反映,书画市场作为一种产业还没有完全形成 一种可供复制的发展模式。我们有理由把其他行业的经验借鉴过来,理论上的研究总是落后于经济活动的实践,任 何一个行业的推广,一定是从主流市场开始,从核心竞争力、特色产品、网站和联系方式等最基本的推广开始。特 别说明一下,这里的网站是自有网站而不是同好交流论坛,由于论坛门槛较低,很容易由于不规范的管理使得部分 人利用虚拟手段发布虚假信息,论坛客户较低的购买能力也决定了不会主流市场的主体,至少是目前不会。笔者用 几个月的时间实地考察了山东大部分书画市场,把各地区、市、县主要画廊及其主要代理作品汇编成这本册子,版 式编排为16开本,扉页处配有丰富的插图和相关书画经营、投资、鉴赏的知识条。附录部分包括山东书画市场综述 、主要书画培训机构、当代山东籍200名书画家简介、省内主要文化集散市场、国内各大拍卖公司、大型艺术网站 等。旨在编写一本书画界真正实用的工具书,如果您经常性的与书目中的关联客户保持沟通,一个星期间或是一个 月联系一次形成一种惯例,一定会给您带来意外的收获,我想这是一种最基本的负责且有效的作品介绍和推广方式 ,应该是唯一的而不是之一。也许这部册子成为你打开艺术市场之门的钥匙,投身其中或许你就是未来世界文化产 业的五百强之一!当然也希望这些基础调研,为今后成立艺术家画廊协会、艺术家企业家联盟、探讨一种书画行业 的快速可持续发展的模式等后续工作做一点尝试。   
    正如大家所知,目前我国书画市场的格局是全国看山东,山东看潍坊。今天整理出这册《山东千家知名画廊大 全》,下步很快就是其他某个省。匆忙中打印出潍坊、济宁部分画廊的编排小样,不妥之处在所难免请,还望各位 友人、画廊经理、艺术家以及相关艺术机构在百忙中予以指导、支持。
 楼主| 发表于 2010-10-18 22:38:55 | 显示全部楼层
There is a saying in collection area that looking for gold in troubled times and hunting antiques in peace time. Calligraphy and painting works frequently sounded the hammer of art market; it pulls off the art market. Economists predict that fluctuations in global economic cycle is gradually elongated, and the world economy, especially China’s rapid economic growth will continue for seven years with  the understanding of the laws of economic management and market conduct regulation. Calligraphy and painting works will be paste into the lives of ordinary people like real estate, securities, insurance and other new investment products. Not only do they show in commercial value, but also a culture of concern and attention. Imagining an old man’s living room was hung a life map of Zhang Peng, a study and seal linked to ancient inscriptions calligraphy of Zhu Fuji, which seem you are making a psychological and creative communication with the creator. The products really can be read, enjoyed, hided. They make the room be graceful and the visitors be awful.
As inherited from the cultivation of traditional Chinese culture in the blood and the origin of family learning, I have a kind of special feeling for painting and calligraphy art. However, because of the pure science literacy learning, I have little art experiences and training. That’s why I admire Liu Chengkai and Liu Yanhu, who abandoned the science to art and achieved outstanding work. Thus, in my spare time, I put a lot effort on the market and the collection of paintings. There is persistent beat in the spring and autumn large bid; there’s joy in the free market to find mistakes; there’s sentiment  of organizing the auction in Zhou Fengyu Museum by myself, there is obsession in a variety of painting and calligraphy exhibition; there is the embarrassment of the supermarket to mask the network of calligraphy. But what I get more is the comfort wandering in the mainstream market. In recent years, with the born of the art fund, the painting pawn, the art consultant and the art of derivatives industry, and the overall improvement of the quality, the painting market ushered a long period of prosperity after the Tang and Song dynasties. The painting pawn industry will strengthen the flow of calligraphy and paintings. But as a cultural phenomenon, the painting and calligraphy is different from the more mature luxury and the financial products before. Painting market is as some kind of extension of this cultural phenomenon; the transaction is usually in the form or auction, pen meeting, customized to the artists, the industry exchange, drawing insects changing and Internet e-commerce subsidiary and so on. The transaction of the main conflicts with each other, and each has his way. “Not open for three years, and once opened, it last three years” has become a rule. This is also reflected from the other side that the painting market as an industry has not fully form a development model for replication. We have reasons to draw on the experience from other industries. That is because theoretical research has always lagged behind the practice of economic activities; the promotion of any one industry must start from the mainstream market, from the core competitiveness of specialty products, websites and contact information. I have to note specially that the website is its own website rather than enthusiasts forum for the exchange. Because of the lower threshold of the forum, it is easy to make some people use virtual means to publish false information with no standardized management. Besides, the customers with lower purchasing power also determine they can’t become the main body of the mainstream market, at least not now. I used a few months to study most of fieldwork in Shandong Art Market to compile this booklet, which contains the main agent and the major works of art galleries from various regions, cities, counties. It layouts arrangement for the 16 format, with rich illustrations and related painting business, investment, appreciation of knowledge as amended in the title page. The appendix includes Shandong Art Market Review, the main training institutions paintings, contemporary painting and calligraphy from Shandong Province 200 introduction, the main cultural distribution market, domestic major auction companies, and large art sites. My purpose is to prepare a truly useful tool book. If you frequently associate with the customers in bibliography; you form a convention to contact every week or a month, then it will bring you a windfall. I think this is a basic responsibility and effective way to introduce and promote the work. Perhaps this book can be a key for you to open the door of the art market and maybe you will be one of the five hundred in the world’s cultural industry if you join. Of course, I hope that these basic researches can serve as a try for the establishment of artists’ gallery association, the artists’ entrepreneurs alliance, and the model of sustainable development sectors.
As you know, the current pattern of China’s market is that the national painting put Shandong’s on the first and the Shandong’s takes Weifang’s as the most important one. I sorted out this book, which focuses on Shandong. The next step is one of the other provinces. Printing the sample of the gallery of Weifang, Jining in a hurry, and mistakes are inevitable. I hope friends, gallery managers, artists and arts organizations can give me relevant guidance and support in your free time. As for the cost or how to work into the series price is not important, the most important one is to sort it out.
发表于 2010-10-24 15:30:05 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2010-10-27 23:14:18 | 显示全部楼层
雨心 发表于 2010-10-24 07:30
 楼主| 发表于 2010-11-23 19:54:58 | 显示全部楼层
回复 4# 朱复戡研究会 山东书画名家邀请展
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